‘My Place’ Family Day Care: Upcoming 2018 Childcare Educators Mini Conference

‘My Place’ Family Day Care welcomes everyone to join our upcoming 2018 Childcare Educators Mini Conference.

Hurry and sign up today!

This upcoming Conference serves as mandatory professional training for all our current ‘My Place’ Family Day Care Educators. We also welcome Educators from other services or anyone interested in early childhood education and care.

All topics have been specifically chosen to adhere to the National Quality Standard (https://www.acecqa.gov.au/nqf/national-quality-standard), with a focus on Cultural and Indigenous Awareness. ‘Cultural competence’ is one of the eight key practices that Early Years Learning Framework highlights as essential to support children’s learning (http://www.earlychildhoodaustralia.org.au/nqsplp/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/EYLFPLP_E-Newsletter_No7.pdf).

Our first workshop – “Working on Multicultural Families within Early Childhood Setting” by Jatinder Kaur

This 2-hour session is designed for Early Childhood Educators to enhance your capacity to meet the needs of multicultural families and children. The seminar will cover:

  • Multicultural family dynamics
  • Diverse child rearing practices
  • Building relationship with multicultural parents and children
  • Supporting bilingual children and ethnic culture

Bio: Jatinder Kaur is the Director of JK Diversity Consultants and Accredited Mental Health Social Worker specialist in working with migrant and refugee communities. Her professional career spans 15 years and across various scopes of practice: research, child protection, family support, refugee settlement support, domestic violence counselling, policy roles and teaching Social work practice. She is a member of Australian Association of Social Workers (AASW) and on the Advisory Board of Sikh Helpline Australia.

Our second workshop – “Embedding First Nations Perspectives ” by Sharron “Mirii” Lindh

Connect to Australia’s first history and learn how you can embed simple, effective ways to incorporate First Nations Perspectives within your environment. As you walk beside Mirii on this journey, take pride in recognising that you are taking steps towards Reconciliation and helping to Close the Gap within your educational environment, not only professionally, but also personally.

This 2-hour session includes:

  • Welcome/Acknowledgment of Country
  • Creating an “Aboriginal-friendly ” Environment
  • Yarning and Sacred Circle
  • Understanding Aboriginal Customs
  • Resources

Bio: Sharron “Mirii” Lindh is a proud Gamilaraay Wiradjuri woman. Her business, Indigenous Insights focuses on Cultural Education and Well Being. Sharron is passion-driven by her own life experiences enabling her to share her unique Culture, promoting reconciliation and providing better education outcomes for all. Sharron’s positive approach to life is infectious as she shares her desire to teach all who come in contact with her.

Besides our esteemed guest speakers, there will also be lucky door prizes, refreshments, lunch and fantastic networking opportunities. Don’t miss out! For more information, please contact our friendly ‘My Place’ Family Day Care team: 3372 1711 | FDCadmin@ich.org.au| 38 Sittella Street, Inala 4075 Queensland.