‘My Place’ Family Day Care: Harmony Web Educator Training

Since 1975, ‘My Place’ Family Day Care has provided an award-winning Family Day Care service in south-east Queensland. We proudly served thousands of families with highly affordable and excellent quality child care, winning an overall assessment rating of ‘Exceeding National Quality Standards’.


On Monday 12th December and Wednesday 14th December 2016, ‘My Place’ Family Day Care held two Harmony Web training sessions to improve the day-to-day operations of our Educators.

“Harmony Web software is used every day by thousands of Australian education and care services and Educators. Quite simply, Harmony makes the job of looking after children that much simpler. It also simplifies the management of services and the administration of payments and subsidies.” – http://harmonykids.com.au/

At ‘My Place’ Family Day Care, Harmony Web is our choice of Child Care Management System (CCMS) to manage all Family Day Care requirements. In addition to helping manage our individual Educator’s businesses better, it significantly reduces paperwork and processes timesheets more efficiently.

This week, both Harmony Web training sessions were held at Inala Community House Business Centre Hall (http://www.ich.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/Hall-Hire-DL-Trifold.pdf). The main purpose was to provide detailed step-by-step training for our Educators on how to make the best use of Harmony Web.


All Educators who attended were actively taking notes, asking questions and participating in productive discussions throughout the training sessions.

Besides Educators themselves, some of them also brought along a family member to get involved with their Educator businesses. For example, a new Educator Veronica Rodriguez brought her partner along as “support system” and is looking forward to start using Harmony Web next Monday.

“We are all really excited to start using Harmony Web across our service. Some Educators may have some questions or concerns in the beginning, but after proper information and training sessions, they learn and gain more confidence. Now they all love using it, especially not having to physically submit Timesheets to our office anymore,” said ‘My Place’ Family Day Care Finance and Administration senior staff Barbara Stonehouse.

“Our service constantly welcomes all Educators’ feedback to make changes accordingly. Educator training sessions are important to provide the latest and most accurate information, while offering one-on-one assistance to ensure all Educators’ needs are met,” said Inala Community House Institutional Support manager Josh Cullen. Inala Community House is the Approved Provider of ‘My Place’ Family Day Care and takes care of its Finance and Administration aspect.

To maximise efficiency, all Educators will be migrated to Harmony software by the end of January 2017. Educators will be subsequently contacted by our Finance and Administration staff to make arrangements for the transition.

We would like to thank all Educators who attended our training sessions, and look forward to organising more in January 2017.

If you have any questions or feedback, please contact ‘My Place’ Family Day Care team via FDCadmin@ich.org.au or (07) 3372 1711.
