Healthy Ageing Programs (Acacia Ridge): Seniors Week With Snookers Group

On Monday morning, 17 August, Inala Community House Healthy Ageing Programs Snookers Group celebrated 60th Queensland Seniors Week (15 – 23 August 2020) at our Acacia Ridge Centre at 29 Chardean Street, Acacia Ridge 4110.

Thank you to all our participants and our Community Engagement team, especially Vera, our Community Engagement Officer for organising the overall event as well as enforcing the safety protocol to keep everyone in attendance safe. We even had our Community Engagement Manager Haley helped in preparing the mouthwatering food and with the addition of the new blue pool table, it definitely got the ball rolling and the excitement level up a notch.

Couldn’t hide the smile on her face – you rock Vera!

“What an amazing start to the 2020 Seniors Week! We won’t let a global pandemic stop us celebrating the seniors in our community! We had a wonderful morning with our wonderful men in our snooker group accompanied with some delicious bacon and egg rolls. Everyone had also been practicing social distancing which was great. I am excited to see what the rest of the week has to offer!” said Haley.

Haley cooking up a storm – Mmmm so good!

Despite the restrictions put in place, it was a very fun and enjoyable social event had by all.

Originated by Council Of The Ageing (COTA) Queensland, Seniors Week is aimed to help build and maintain strong community connectedness among people of all ages and backgrounds through the many events and activities. It’s an annual celebration that runs for over a week and this year, it’s on 15-23 August 2020.

Come join Inala Community House’s great community programs and activities. To contact us: 3372 1711 | | | | Visit our 2 Centres: 29 Chardean St, Acacia Ridge 4110 & 20 Skylark St, Inala 4077.