Community Engagement: ‘Inala says kNOw’ Symposium Against Domestic and Family Violence

A recent Queensland Police Service survey has revealed more than 75 per cent of Inala youth either know a victim or have experienced domestic violence themselves. (source:

Today, ‘Inala says kNOw’ to domestic and family violence.

On Tuesday 10 October 2017, Inala Community House Community Engagement team was honoured to participate at the 2017 ‘Inala says kNOw’ Symposium hosted by Glenala State High School. The main aim was to prevent and raise awareness regarding domestic and family violence using the tagline ‘Inala says kNOw’.

Inala Community House Community Engagement team providing helpful information, referral and support at the information stall.  

Throughout the event, our team successfully interacted with many students, teachers, families and organisations. We promoted our various free, confidential and accessible support services for people of all backgrounds, especially in overcoming and preventing domestic and family violence.

Inala Community House is all about promoting healthy relationships at home and the community as whole. We can tailor our support for individuals, families or community. Domestic and family violence can happen to anyone at any time – please don’t be afraid to ask for help. We are always here to listen, talk and support you,” said our Community Engagement Manager Haley Kiata.

It is vital to celebrate the presence of all community groups and organisations joining us today – united in the message that we say ‘No’ to domestic violence. We are taking a step further by recognising the need to ‘Know’ more about this multifaceted issue. Let us act productively together to bring about positive behavioural change in the local and broader community. It is important for us to extend our own knowledge as services, groups and individuals about domestic violence,” said Glenala State High School Principal Anne Lawson in the welcome speech.

A big thank you to the following inspiring guest speakers for sharing their personal stories and views:

Domestic violence is often hidden away because of stigma, shame and fear. This is a distressing topic but we encourage you to seek support from your friends, teachers and counsellors. As the Executive Dean, I am very concerned about domestic violence as a human rights issue, legal issue and social issue. We are committed in developing the potential of our young people for them to make the best contribution to our society and be the best people possible. Domestic violence can prevent people’s potential from being fulfilled. Let us create more open and engaging discussions, with proper procedures in place to assist victims and perpetrators. Everyone should feel confident and in control of their own lives,” said QUT Faculty of Health Executive Dean Professor Ross Young.

Take a stand against domestic violence – which is what we are doing today. Everyone involved in domestic violence should take ownership by seeking help or counselling. Most importantly, we need to know what to do. If you suspect someone is involved in domestic violence, you can help. It is never advisable to put yourself in the position of danger – always call 000 or local police station when someone’s life is in danger. But by offering a listening ear, or taking the time to ask ‘are you okay?’ can be an important first step in helping someone. Domestic violence can impact a person in all aspects of life but you can get through it – with time and hard work. Let us work together and make a real difference in ‘Inala says kNOw’,’” said Queensland Police Service Senior Sergeant Virginia Dixon.

Let us talk more openly about domestic violence – our national silent epidemic prevalent in all social settings. I had personally experienced domestic and family violence. When I was younger and had my first relationship, nobody told me how a healthy relationship should look like. Nobody told me that it was not okay for someone to track my movements, stop me from having any friends and hit me. I became extremely isolated without any support from friends or family. I came from a generation where we don’t say anything about what happens behind closed doors, because it is shameful and embarrassing. We feel judged due to the serious stigma associated with domestic violence. It only took one day, when my manager at work asked me ‘are you okay?’ – I answered him ‘no’. He referred me to a counselling service. I had always thought that counselling was for ‘other people’ but I did and it changed my life. I was able to talk to someone and finally get educated about what I was going through. I didn’t realise that domestic violence was an issue – I thought it was normal. I still see a counsellor today. It is challenging to reach out, break the barrier and ask for help due to pride – the feelings of embarrassment and shame can hold us back. Don’t be afraid that someone out there can support you into a better life. Today’s Symposium represents hope to reach out and start having conversations. We need to be part of the change about domestic violence and its underlying societal culture,” said Australia’s CEO Challenge Jacque Lachmund.

Later, Glenala State High School School Captains Sheba Ooms and Jonathan Bryan announced the unveiling of the ‘Inala says kNOw’ murals consisting 264 individual painted tiles of personal messages, quotes and designs that the students had painted during lunchtime.

Besides Inala Community House, other participating community organisations included Anglicare, Australia’s CEO Challenge, Brisbane Domestic Violence Service, Churches of Christ, Child and Youth Mental Health Service, Domestic Violence Action Centre, DV Connect, Friends with Dignity, 99 Steps, Headspace, Immigrant Women’s DV Service, Inala Wangarra, Inala Youth Service, Indigenous Health Service, Kummara, Metro South Addiction Service, Mission Australia, Murringunyah, Queensland Indigenous Family Violence Legal Service, QPASTT, Queensland Police Service, R 4 Respect, South West Brisbane Legal Service, VN Community Queensland Chapter, Zig Zag.

Thank you to all students who shared with us their insights about “My Favourite Human” and “Why I Love My Community“ too.

You can join us in empowering our future generations to break the cycle of domestic and family violence.

Visit us at Inala Community House and find out how we can help make your life better, easier and happier. Depending on your individual needs, you can access a wide range of our free support services providing you information, referral, fun and friendship. Contact us today: | | | (07) 3372 1711.