‘My Place’ Educators’ 2016 Mini Conference


On 11 June 2016 (Saturday), ‘My Place’ Family Day Care held our annual Educators’ Mini Conference. Thank you to all our dedicated Educators who attended and Coordinators who made it a great success.

The conference kicked off with the first guest speaker Caroline Fewster’s workshop called “Finding the Joy in the Ordinary”. Caroline is an early childhood academic, author and presenter. Caroline inspired Educators with new, interesting concepts to better engage children, ignite imagination, and build great childhood memories that will stay with them for life.

The morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea were all supplied by ‘My Place’. There were also some market stalls to browse and buy ‘My Place’ merchandises and other resources:


The conference was also a wonderful time for Educators to engage in both professional and personal conversations, catch up with old friends and meet new faces within our Service.


The Educators were then greeted by ‘My Place’ Media and Marketing Team. Our marketing staff Roz Fenson delivered a PowerPoint presentation about the overall vision of our marketing strategy. Educators also learned how they can further promote their individual businesses and ‘My Place’ as a whole. We also successfully launched the new ‘My Place’ Educator uniform shirts that were well-received by many Educators.

The afternoon proved to be just as entertaining when the second guest speaker – Dr. Alice Brown guided our Educators through a practical workshop “Floating on Clouds: Alleviating Stress and Supporting the Health and Wellbeing in Children and Educators”. Our Educators thoroughly enjoyed themselves through various relaxation activities and techniques taught by Dr. Alice.

We also hosted a special “Service Awards” ceremony to honour 17 long-serving Educators who achieved either 5, 10, 15 and 25 years of service. We greatly appreciate every Educator for your enduring dedication with ‘My Place’.

“The biggest success was seeing the Educators’ faces full or wonder and excitement, as well as hearing the future plans that they have learned from the Conference to be implemented into their daily programming. The Conference has also presented great networking opportunities for Educators to empower each other,” said ‘My Place’ Family Day Care Service Manager Sandra Herbert.

We look forward to planning our Mini Conference next year. If you have any question or feedback, kindly contact FDCadmin@ich.org.au or call (07) 3372 1711.