‘My Place’ Family Day Care: Happy Australia Day Playgroup

Since 1975, ‘My Place’ Family Day Care has provided an award-winning Family Day Care service in South-East Queensland. We proudly serve thousands of families with highly affordable and excellent quality child care, winning an overall assessment rating of ‘Exceeding National Quality Standards’.

Happy Australia Day everyone!

On 27th January 2017, ‘My Place’ Family Day Care was excited to celebrate Australia Day via our specially-themed playgroup with our Educators, Children, Families and Friends!

“We love to celebrate Australia Day with our family, friends and the local community. The day is about exploring and embracing what it means to be an Australian. We also teach children about Australian history, culture and traditions to understand this beautiful country that we call home,” said ‘My Place’ Family Day Care Manager Sandi Herbert.

“Australia Day is a truly wonderful opportunity for people to come together as a community and celebrate our country,” said one of our Educators Tammy Stafford.

Our Australia Day Playgroup kicked off – quite literally – with a thong-throwing competition! This provided great opportunities for children to develop hand-eye coordination, body control and self-confidence while having lots of fun.

Ready, Aim, Toss! We’ve got some serious thong-throwing potential here.

Another main Australia Day themed activity was children learning how to make vegemite sandwiches themselves! All children were taught to thoroughly wash their hands, make positive food choices and preparing their own meal from start to finish. All under the supervision of Educators and Coordinators, of course!

Everyone also got to enjoy lamington slices as side treats.

Involving little ones in meal planning can help spark interest in what they are eating. Children can learn to make decisions about food helps and develop healthy habits that will last a lifetime.

Besides that, we organised various fun and educational activities like water sensory play and making Australian flags throughout the playgroup session.

Educator Zoe O’Donohue with two boys in her care: one-year-old Cooper and 2-year-old Ezekiel. Zoe is one of our most experienced Educators who has been with our service for 25 years and counting!

You can view Zoe’s Educator Profile here: http://myplacefdc.org.au/care-centre/zoe-odonohue/

“Besides the usual Australia Day celebrations, I teach the children about the significance of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture and heritage as well. This is to pay tribute to the survival and resilience of Australia’s first people,” said Educator Zoe O’Donohue.

Everyone is welcome to join our weekly playgroup to encourage social interaction, learning and fun with other Educators, Children and Families! Contact us via FDCadmin@ich.org.au or (07) 3372 1711.