ICH & Brisbane Southwest Support: Sexual Violence Prevention in Inala

Sexual violence takes many forms including sexual harassment, verbal abuse, leering, threats, exposure, touching, incest, rape, mutilation and ritual abuse. Any sort of unwanted sexual behaviour that is imposed on someone is a form of sexual violence. Sexual violence is about the use of power or force to intimidate or control others.

Funded by the Department of Communities, Brisbane Southwest Support is a strategic partnership of specialist sexual assault services to provide innovative outreach support and sexual violence prevention to meet the needs of diverse communities. The services include:

  • Brisbane Rape and Incest Survivors Support Centre (BRISSC) – 07 3391 0004 (For Women)
  • Zig Zag – 07 3843 1823 (For Young Women 12-25 Years)
  • Immigrant Women’s Support Service (IWSS) – 07 3846 3490 (For Women from Migrant or Refugee Backgrounds)
  • Murrigunyah – 07 3290 4254 (For Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Women and Families)

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Today, Inala Community House is excited to announce that our Community Support Program will be joining forces with Brisbane Southwest Support for greater sexual violence prevention in Inala.

Our aim is to offer confidential support and counselling for women who have experienced any form of sexual abuse or violence. We also work with advocacy, information and referrals.


If you or know someone who needs help, please come to our Sexual Violence Prevention Program at Inala Community House. You can contact Haley via phone (07) 3372 1711 or e-mail Haley.Kiata@ich.org.au.

For emergency, you can contact Sexual Assault Helpline (1800 010 12).