Community Settlement Service: Wangarra Men’s Group

Inala Community House’s Community Settlement Service provides vital support and information to empower our newly arrived clients to achieve independence and successful long-term settlement in Australia. Our settlement support includes case work, social groups, client referrals, classes, information sessions, and so much more. Our diverse team of staff is committed to create a more welcoming and inclusive Australia for all.

A big welcome to the Wangarra Men’s Group.

On Wednesday 27th September 2017, Inala Community House Community Settlement Service (CSS) was invited to the Wangarra Men’s Group Didgeridoo End-of-Term Performance at Queensland Program of Assistance to Survivors of Torture and Trauma (QPASTT).

QPASTT is one of Inala Community House’s valued partnering organisations:

QPASTT provides flexible and culturally sensitive services to promote the health and well being of people who have been tortured or who have suffered refugee related trauma prior to migrating to Australia. QPASTT aims to provide services which address the range of physical, psychological and social needs that survivors of torture and trauma have. All services are free and confidential. (

QPASTT’s Wangarra Men’s Group welcomes new group of male migrants and refugees per 8-week term. These Syrian and Iraqi men will receive settlement support including Medicare, income support payments, English language tuition, torture and trauma counselling and settlement services. (Australia Government Department of Immigration and Border Protection: The Group also has weekly social outings discovering the best spots around Queensland.

“We hope that every Wangarra Men’s Group participant would feel welcomed in Australia and establish lifelong meaningful connections,” said QPASTT Director Tracy Worrall.

“It is heart-warming to witness these men enjoy themselves and living their new lives in Australia. Thank you to Uncle Albert from Inala Elders who willingly shared and taught the men how to make their own didgeridoo and play it beautifully. Through music and culture, we are able to uplift and heal ourselves,” said QPASTT Community Relationship Manager Fernanda Torresi.

“Thank you everyone for joining us today to celebrate the success and completion of this term’s Wangarra Men’s Group. A special thank you to Inala Community House for providing transport and volunteer driver Bert Van Wyk, this would not be possible without your kindness and generosity,” said QPASTT Capacity Building Officer Dan Nguyen.

I enjoy being the volunteer driver for the Wangarra Men’s Group and join their weekly activities. I would pick them up from QPASTT or individual homes. We have been to Bribie Island, Wynnum and all around Queensland. We have tried kayaking, fishing, barbequing, cultural cooking and more,” said Inala Community House volunteer driver Bert Van Wyk.

Thank you to QPASTT Arabic interpreter Bassem Koujak for communication assistance as these men were still in the process of learning English. We were introduced to the names of every participant.

The men started their performance with an Arabic song about homesickness and building overseas connections, and then took turns in playing the didgeridoos. Everyone later enjoyed a networking morning tea session.

Inala Community House welcomes everyone to join our Men’s Group to help you achieve better sense of purpose, direction and fulfilment in life.

Wangarra Men’s Group is similar to our Men’s Group at Inala Community House. We promote sense of belonging and help our newly arrived clients to better navigate their everyday life in Australia. Our participants are able to meet new friends, exchange support and create positive life experiences – especially after what they have gone through in their war-torn home countries. Besides Men’s Group, we also provide many other socially-inclusive programs for these men to join and benefit from,” said Inala Community House Community Engagement Manager Haley Kiata.


Inala Community House welcomes all newly arrived friends to our community and endeavour to support them in adjusting their new life in Australia. Join us today: (07) 3372 1711 | |