Community Programs and Services

Inala Community House offers a wide range of community support services and numerous community events. All ages and backgrounds are welcome and encouraged to get involved.

Venue Hire

Inala Community House has a range of different venues that can be hired. Venue Hire is open to both organisations and individuals.
Homework Club

Come and join the Inala Community House homework club. Bring your school homework and let us help you! Run every Tuesday from 3:15pm-4:15pm.

Musical Morning Tea

Supporting our community through a monthly get-together with live music, wonderful conversation, and lovely refreshments.
Settlement Engagement & Transition Support

Inala Community House offers free settle support to eligible visa holders from refugee and migrant backgrounds. We aim to help our clients settle in Australia and support them in become independent.

Free English Class

Come along every Tuesday at 10:00am for our free English class. All are welcome. Only run during school term