Category: 50 & Better (Skylarkers)


Healthy Ageing Program (SkyLarkers): SkyLarkers BBQ

On Wednesday 29th May 2019, Inala Community House Healthy Ageing Program (SkyLarkers) held a SkyLarkers BBQ welcoming all members of our community. From 11am, the event was held at our SkyLarkers centre (20 Skylark Street, Inala QLD). For only $10, all participants got to enjoy a full buffet spread of various delicious salads and meats....


Healthy Ageing Program (SkyLarkers): September Drought Fundraiser

On Monday 24th September 2018, Inala Community House Healthy Ageing Program (SkyLarkers) organised a Roast Lunch Fundraiser as part of our September Drought Fundraiser to help our Queensland farmers affected by recent drought. From 11am to 12.30pm, the Roast Lunch Fundraiser was held at our SkyLarkers community centre (20 Skylark Street, Inala QLD 4077). For...


Healthy Ageing Program (Acacia Ridge): Introduction to Tablets

Inala Community House welcomes you to join our 50 & Better Healthy Ageing Programs based at Acacia Ridge (29 Chardean Street) and Skylarkers (20 Skylarks Street, Inala). Our mission is to help our Queensland seniors to stay physically, socially and mentally healthy through various ‘fun-tastic’ activities that can be catered to your individual lifestyle needs...


Healthy Ageing Program (Skylarkers): Thursday Crafters

Inala Community House welcomes you to join our 50 & Better Healthy Ageing Programs based at Acacia Ridge (29 Chardean Street) and Skylarkers (20 Skylark Street, Inala). Our mission is to help our Queensland seniors to stay physically, socially and mentally healthy through various ‘fun-tastic’ activities that can be catered to your individual lifestyle needs...


Healthy Ageing Program (Skylarkers): Valentine’s Day BBQ

Inala Community House welcomes you to join our 50 & Better Healthy Ageing Programs based at Acacia Ridge (29 Chardean Street) and Skylarkers (20 Skylark Street, Inala). Our mission is to help our Queensland seniors to stay physically, socially and mentally healthy through various ‘fun-tastic’ activities according to your individual lifestyle needs and interests. Join...


50 & Better Healthy Ageing Programs: Staying Physically and Socially Healthy in 2018

Inala Community House welcomes you to join our 50 & Better Healthy Ageing Programs based at Acacia Ridge (29 Chardean Street) and Skylarkers (20 Skylark Street, Inala). Our mission is to help our Queensland seniors to stay physically, socially and mentally healthy through various ‘fun-tastic’ activities that can be catered to your individual lifestyle needs...


Healthy Ageing Programs: 2017 Seniors’ Christmas Parties

At the end of every year, Inala Community House Healthy Ageing Programs are excited to celebrate our annual Christmas Parties with all our valued senior members at Acacia Ridge and Skylarkers: 8th December 2017: Acacia Ridge Christmas Party 11.30am-1.30pm Coopers Colonial Motel (1260 Beaudesert Road, Acacia Ridge QLD) 15th December 2017: Skylarkers Christmas Party 11.30am-2.30pm...


50 & Better Healthy Ageing Programs: Seniors Week Expo

Happy Queensland Seniors Week everyone! (from left to right): Councillor’s Personal Assistant Nayda Hernandez, Community Engagement Volunteer Jasmine Wratten, Forest Lake Councillor Charles Strunk, Community Engagement Manager Haley Kiata, Healthy Ageing Program (Acacia Ridge) Coordinator Larissa Vaiomanu On Monday 21st August 2017, Inala Community House Healthy Ageing Programs were invited to promote our services in...


‘My Place’ Family Day Care & 50 & Better: Life as an Educator after 50

Since 1975, ‘My Place’ Family Day Care has provided an award-winning Family Day Care service in Queensland. We have proudly served thousands of families with highly affordable and excellent quality child care, winning an overall assessment rating of ‘Exceeding National Quality Standards’. Have you ever wondered how life is like as a ‘My Place’ Family...