On Monday 16th October 2017, Inala Community House (ICH) held our 2016-17 Annual General Meeting (AGM) and Dinner at Black Marlin Room, The Blue Fin Fishing Club (24 Lilac St., Inala).
Invited guests included ICH Board Members, Managers, Members and Business Associates, and our special VIP guest Forest Lake Ward Councillor Charles Strunk.
ICH Managing Director Ross Paul and Managers of our individual programs:
The Oasis Centre – Jatinder Kaur
Finance and Administration – Josh Cullen
Community Engagement – Haley Kiata
‘My Place’ Family Day Care – Barbara Stonehouse
Family Services – Meagan Quinn
The event started with a Members Only General Meeting at 5.30pm to amend the ICH constitution regarding membership classes. The new changes hope to encourage more new members from diverse backgrounds to join us. We also hope to encourage both new and existing members to support and participate more in ICH’s activities.
At 6pm, the AGM was called to order by ICH President Janet Cullen.
In the President’s Address:
“As foreshadowed last year all the changes have enabled staff in 2016/17 to have more ability to service clients in an efficient, effective and timely way.
Again in 2016/17, ICH made a small surplus, as reported in the annual accounts. This is again a testimony to the hard work and diligence of the management team and the staff led by Managing Director, Ross Paul, to ensure that cost savings have been made and that expenditure has been effectively controlled whilst meeting client needs and meeting or exceeding performance targets set by Government funders.
Next year, 2017/18, will continue the growth with new programs and services and a new push on volunteers and membership to engage the next generation. A number of initiatives will be highlighted and launched during this year’s AGM. I welcome and look forward to your ongoing participation and support as we enter the next phase of growth.
On behalf of the Board I thank our members, supporters, clients and staff for all that you do in strengthening our community. You have made such a difference in this community and we honour that contribution and respect all that you do. Our community would be so much poorer without your support and participation.”
ICH Secretary Irene Clarke presenting Minutes of the previous AGM.
In Managing Director Ross Paul’s speech:
“2016/17 was a year of growth, the first of many. With all the hard work of laying the foundations behind – restructuring, budget reform, facilities upgrades, to name a few – the focus has become one of excellence in client support and growth. The staff have risen to the challenge and their hard work has paid off with positive feedback from clients and funders, as well as new opportunities.
The work of the three operational departments – Community Engagement, Family Services and ‘My Place’ Family Day Care (FDC) – has met, and largely exceeded, the expectations of funders and clients. Much work was also done through the year to expand service offerings to clients and to identify and meet the needs of new clients. ‘My Place’ FDC, for example, has significantly expanded the geographic area covered (from Toowoomba to Browns Plains, from Springfield to Sunnybank). ‘My Place’ FDC has also implemented new systems to support educators and parents. I was thrilled to receive very positive feedback directly from educators during the Annual Mini-Conference. The Department of Communities, Child Safety and Disability Services has indicated strong support for our child safety programs which has translated into additional funding. The Department is also excited about some of the initiatives we have planned for 2017/18. Community Engagement has continued to be a strong driving force in the community and its programs are also well supported. ICH continues to be a leader in the community and a benchmark for other community based organisations.
2016/17 was a good year for ICH and I am confident that 2017/18 will be even better.”
A special surprise: ICH Board decided to award ‘Life Membership’ to our President Janet Cullen for her many years of invaluable voluntary work and dedication towards ICH.
Also thank you to Councillor Strunk for giving a short speech and running the election of officers.
ICH Board of Directors with Councillor Strunk.
The evening ended with a lovely sit-down dinner and lively discussions on how ICH had continued to bring our community closer through the years.
We welcome everyone to become a valued member of Inala Community House. Get involved, meet new friends and enrich your life. Find out more: 3372 1711 | info@ich.org.au |www.ich.org.au.