
NEW ‘My Place’ Family Day Care Website Launch

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We are very excited to share with you that our new ‘My Place’ website is now launched!

Please visit www.MyPlaceFDC.org.au providing all the latest information and important resources for your every child care need.


Click to Visit www.MyPlaceFDC.org.au!

With over 40 years of experience, ‘My Place’ Family Day Care is growing as an award-winning leading Family Day Care service for children of all ages in Queensland. Our new website will be a powerful new platform to communicate and serve our Educators and Families better.

Our new website is clean, colourful and user-friendly that you can easily access on a wide range of web browsers and portable devices (like your mobile phones and iPads). You will find four main sections Our Story”, “Our Team”, “About FDC”, “Contact Usto learn all about our services.

The most exciting function of our new website is the ability for you to “Enrol Your Child” or “Become an Educator (see top right). We always welcome new Families and Educators to join our ‘My Place’ family!

Don’t forget to visit our new website regularly for the latest news, updates and special promotions that can benefit our Educators and Families. We will continue to introduce new website features in future. Help us to share with your family and friends too!

Our ‘My Place’ Media and Marketing Team has worked hard to put together this website, and we always appreciate feedback on how to make it better for you! Contact us at FDCadmin@ich.org.au or call (07) 3372 1711 today.

‘My Place’ NEW Website: www.MyPlaceFDC.org.au

‘My Place’ Official Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MyPlaceFamilyDayCare

Inala Community House (Approved Provider) Official Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ICHAustralia