ICH Seniors Week Celebration

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Happy Seniors Week!

Seniors Week is a key opportunity for Queenslanders of all ages to gather and celebrate the valuable contributions of older people. In 2016, Seniors Week will be celebrated from 13-21 August, with this year’s theme as ‘it’s on for young and old’.

Seniors Week aims to:

  • improve community attitudes towards older people and ageing
  • facilitate community participation and activity by older people, including those from Indigenous and culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds
  • enhance community connections and inter-generational relationships

At Inala Community House, we held our own Seniors Week celebration on 17th August (Wednesday) at ‘Our Place’ Hall (Cnr. Japonica & Robinia Streets, Inala). The celebration went from 11am-2pm and was well-attended by various members of our community, mainly our current members of Healthy Ageing Programs: Skylarkers and Acacia Ridge.

The biggest thank you to Council on the Ageing (COTA) as our main event contributor. COTA is the peak national organisation representing the rights, needs and interests of older Australians.

Also a special thank you to PCYC Inala for providing a bus to transport our senior guests for this event. We would also like to acknowledge our wonderful senior volunteer Bert Van Wyk as the bus driver. Bert is a successful example of staying active and contributing to our community even after retirement.


Our 50 & Better Healthy Ageing Program: Acacia Ridge participants enjoying themselves at the photobooth.


Say Hello to our ‘Thursday Crafters’!

If you would like to get creative, make crafts and good friends, come join our Craft Group every Thursday 9am-12pm at 20 Skylark Street, Inala.


More of our Healthy Ageing Program members buying raffle tickets in hope to win fantastic prizes.


Uncle Albert is a local Elder who launched the event with a ‘Welcome to Country’ ceremony.


Councillor for Forest Lake Ward – Charles Strunk who gave a welcome speech highlighting our Queensland Government’s appreciation for the senior members in the society:

Thank you to all our senior members for the valuable knowledge and contributions towards our society over the years. We need your help to share your life experiences and wisdom that shape our histories to be passed across the generations. Also congratulations to Inala Community House for the recent renovation of your building, and for all the hard work that your organisation does in this area.


Next, we invited Managing Director of Inala Community House – Ross Paul for an official speech:

This year, Inala Community House is celebrating our 50th anniversary and the 38th anniversary of our Musical Morning Tea event. We would like to thank each of our senior members, especially those who have grown with Inala Community House over the years. Today is your day and enjoy yourselves.


The joyful crowd at the event.


I feel privileged to be able to celebrate the achievements of our wonderful seniors within the community. I would like to acknowledge your wisdom and contributions that you have made in the past and continue to make on a daily basis.

-our Community Engagement Manager Haley Kiata in her speech.


Thank you to Ana Roberts – a representative from Australian Hearing (https://www.hearing.com.au/) which is the nation’s leading hearing specialist and largest provider of Government funded hearing services.


Also thank you to the representatives of Amcal Chemist Inala for their information stall.


The main event highlight was a dazzling and lively performance by an Elvis impersonator – Pete Memphis.


Thank you to our wonderful participants (Michelle the carer from Inala Elders, and Aunty Bathalia) who spontaneously performed onstage with Pete Memphis.senior2

A free and delicious roast lunch was prepared for all guests.


Congratulations to Elaine who won the biggest raffle prize – an autographed album specially presented by Pete Memphis. Elaine is also one of our most active senior members and used to teach computer lessons as a volunteer with us.

Overall, our one-day Seniors Week celebration was a great success thoroughly enjoyed by many. Thank you again to our Community Engagement Manager Haley Kiata and team for hosting the celebration!

Join our 50 & Better Healthy Ageing Programs with a great variety of low-cost activities for residents over 50! Call (07) 3372 1711 or e-mail haley.kiata@ich.org.au today!