Family Intervention Service

Who is it for?
Our Family Intervention Service provides intensive home support to families who are involved in the child protection system to build parents’ capacity to safely care for their children at home. We are a voluntary service who will walk alongside the family, to help families work together with the Department of Child Safety and support them in reaching their case plan goals.
What do we offer?
Families we support receive a culturally safe and respectful service. We recognise that every family is unique and has strengths and that parenting can be challenging. We work with families to identify their strengths and goals and to develop a plan to address the child safety worries and achieve a safe home for their children.
When children are in Out of Home Care, our approach is to support parents to build a collaborative relationship with the foster or kinship carers for their children and to have a shared parenting approach to the care for their children.
Our FIS team is trauma-aware and uses a healing-informed approach. We base our practice around the Parents Under Pressure (PUP) framework which views a family through a holistic lens. We support families to achieve their personal and case plan goals through psycho-education, practical and emotional support, referrals, advocacy and much more.
We also run multiple groups such as parenting programs (Circles of Security, Tuning in to Kids, Triple P, Dads Under Construction), Women’s Group for domestic family violence survivors and various other social and well-being groups.
We work with families for up to five hours a week and for up to 12 months, with the potential for a further 6-month extension.
Referral Process
Our Family Intervention Service works with families referred only by Inala and Forest Lake Child Safety where they have ongoing involvement. All referrals must come from the Department and be for families where the goal is to:
- Preserve families where a child remains living at home under the ongoing intervention and monitoring by Child Safety; or
- Assist in the reunification of the child with their family from a care placement where this is in the child’s best interest.
Helpful Resources
Adis – 24/7 – support for people in Queensland with alcohol and other drug concerns
For more information about our Family Intervention Service programs, submit an enquiry below or contact us at (07) 3372 1711 and ask to speak with the Family Intervention Service team