Feedback is Welcome

Inala Community House is committed to providing excellent services to our clients and wider community. We welcome feedback and will use it evaluate and improve our services and programs. Click here to view information below in pdf.
What do we want to hear?
To ensure Inala Community House can adapt to the ever changing needs of the community, we encourage all feedback including complaints, suggestions, positive news stories and even, positive feedback!
All feedback will be handled in accordance with our Feedback and Complaints policy. In some cases, disclosures of feedback and complaints are required, due to the regulations of a funding body or legislation.
We are committed to handling complaints in a fair, timely and transparent manner. We will ensure that the complaint handling process is confidential. All persons have the right to complain about the services they receive without fear of retribution. A person will not be denied service on the basis of them exercising their right to make a complaint.
Once lodged, the staff member handling your complaint will keep you informed about its progress and actions taken.
If you are not satisfied with the outcome or handling of your complaint, you can request to have a review of the decision. This will be reviewed by a member of the senior management team or the Board of Directors.
We aim to resolve complaints within 30 days however individual services may have different policies and procedures which reflect their requirements.
How to provide feedback?
There are several ways that you can provide feedback to Inala Community House. If you are a client, you can speak to the manager (or supervisor) within the relevant service.
Alternatively, you can provide your feedbacks in the following ways:
- Call and speak to a member of our team on (07) 3372 1711
- Submit your feedback via email at reception@ich.org.au or complaints@ich.org.au
- Send through written feedback to PO BOX 4800, Forest Lake QLD 4078
Where else can I get support?
Inala Community House are here to listen to your feedback. However, if you would prefer to share your feedback with an outside agency, you can contact the following organisations:
For human rights concerns, Queensland Human Rights Commission:
GPO Box 5218, Sydney NSW 2001 | 1300 656 419 | https://humanrights.gov.au/complaints/make-complaint
For NDIS, NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission:
1800 035 544 | www.ndiscommission.gov.au/about/complaints
For Community Support Program, Department of Communities, Housing and Digital Economy:
GPO Box 806, Brisbane Qld 4001 | 13 QGOV (13 74 68) | https://www.chde.qld.gov.au/contact/complaints-compliments
For SkyLarkers and Acacia Ridge Centres, Department of Seniors, Disability Services and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships: GPO Box 806, Brisbane Qld 4001 | 1800 491 467 or email: feedback@dsdsatsip.qld.gov.au | https://www.dsdsatsip.qld.gov.au/contact-us/compliments-complaints
For matters relating to privacy, Office of the Australian Information Commissioner: https://www.oaic.gov.au/privacy/privacy-complaints
For Family Intervention Service and ICH Out of Home Care, Department of Children, Youth Justice and Multicultural Affairs: 1800 080 464 or email: feedback@cyjma.qld.gov.au | Locked Bag 3405, Brisbane Qld 4001 | https://www.cyjma.qld.gov.au/contact-us/compliments-complaints
For Settlement Engagement and Transition Support, Department of Social Services – DSS Feedback:
GPO Box 9820, Canberra ACT, 2601 | 1800 634 035 | complaints@dss.gov.au | www.dss.gov.au/contact/feedback-compliments-complaints-and-enquiries/complaints-page
For My Place Family Day Care, Metropolitan Region Early Childhood Education and Care Department of Education:
07 3028 8064 | metrocity.ecec@qed.qld.gov.au | Level 2 Block A • Garden Square • 643 Kessels Road, Upper Mount Gravatt QLD 4122 | Private Mail Bag 250, Mansfield DC QLD 4122